King Tide in Afternoon at Point on Black Island  24 X 12"

King Tide in Afternoon at Point on Black Island 24 X 12"

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Black Island is poorly known but to those who frequent Lighthouse Creek and Inlet. Many in the Lowcountry know about the Morris Island Lighthouse, but few know much regarding it history. Also, very few locals know about Morris Island as well. People who live on Lighthouse Creek are perfectly happy that so few find this area. Due to difficulty in access, most do not even attempt to get here. The Inlet is actually scary at times with its difficult bars and tides. At low tide, entrance may be impossible except by kayak and therefore exit at low tide must be timed so as not to get trapped. Coming from the Folly River requires great knowledge and experience to navigate shell banks and branches through this labyrinth of creeks and shoals. Even those who live in Secessionville or on Oceanview cannot access the creek at low tide. 

Therefore, little is known about this PRIVATE island and that's the way it should remain. Generations of owners/caretakers have kept this island beautiful and private. Visiting this island from the creek is tolerated, but trespassing is not. This image was taken from the flooded marsh in front of (ocean side) the island as it "Point" reaches towards the Lighthouse Creek. 

Black (pronounced "Block") Island played a significant role in the War of Northern Aggression as Yankee forces invaded Morris Island from North Folly Island in the summer of 1863. Interested locals should find a copy of " The Gate of Hell" which gives excellent details about this bloody conflict which occurred at the same time as the Gettysburg conflict.

Like many sea islands in the Lowcountry, the northeast ends of these islands terminate in a birds toes arrangement with 2-5 points of land advancing at the tip of the island proper. Black Island shows this configuration as it looks towards Morris Island looking seaward. Black Island's configuration is best described as a hand, with a thumb and 4 fingers, and this can be seen clearly from "Google Earth" views.

The Island is densely populated with a typical mature seral-stage community of trees and shrubs. Raccoons call this island home and are welcomed by the owners.

Access to this island via its small creek is NOT recommended as navigation may be dangerous secondary to natural and man-made obstacles.

Therefore, be aware of this beautiful island but do not attempt to visit it without the permission of its owners.